I will be totally honest, there was a time in my life that I didn't know if I wanted to have children. I come from a large family (I am one of 6 kids and I have 16 nieces and nephews) and it is nothing against all of them (you all know I love you DEARLY), I just didn't know if I wanted to have kids. Keith and I got married fairly young, I was 20 and he was 22. So, we weren't in rush to have kids right away anyway, after spending 5 years as "just us" we decided to really leave it up to God to decide if He would bless us with another little Hansen. After a few months (including an amazingly fun trip to Vegas to celebrate my niece's wedding), we were blessed on Halloween 2009 to find out we were expecting. I am not going to lie to you all...I did NOT really enjoy being pregnant. I know there are many women who love it, and bless them for telling me how great it was, but I didn't agree. I was SUPER swollen and I was due July 7th, so I was smack dab in the middle of a Kansas summer and pretty darn uncomfortable. To add to all the of swelling, I packed on over 50 lbs during my pregnancy. Kolten was breach, so we had to do a scheduled C-Section and we scheduled it for July 1st (in my "plan" I thought about my birthday being in June, Keith's being in August, so we would have a June, July and August!) - BUT Kolten had other plans! At 3:30am on Tuesday, June 29th my water broke! We made it to the hospital and our doctor lived very close so he was there quick and Kolten Allen Hansen was born at 8:28am!
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My mom, Jean Marie and I at my baby shower |
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Kolten and my Mom |
Our hearts were so full, we thought we were going to be a "one and done" family. Kolten was an amazing baby and turned into an amazing toddler, we had so much fun with him! He was so happy and fun loving, we couldn't ask for more. As happens though, God had so amazing other plans in store! In April 2012 (after going to Vegas again in October 2011), we found out we were (VERY unexpectedly) expecting again! I was Due December 28, 2012. This pregnancy was pretty different than before. Kolten was almost 2 when we found out we were pregnant so chasing after a toddler did keep me a little more active the second time around, I still packed on 40+ pounds of weight and had a lot of swelling again. One of the hardest things I went though during that time though, had nothing to really do with my pregnancy. My mom passed away on June 10, 2012. She had suffered a brain aneurysm when I was a senior in high school and had a long battle with her health including mild Alzheimers and dementia. The last coherent conversation my mom and I had, I stopped by the nursing home to see her and she was having an okay day the nurses told me. I was talking to her like normal and she was just kind of moaning or answering back in sentences that made no sense to what I was saying. Then I told her I was pregnant again, that Kolten was going to be a big brother. She looked at me, straight in the eyes and sighed. "You better slow down on those babies" was the next thing out of her mouth and I couldn't help but laugh. She was there, for that split second, my mom was there with me in body and mind. It was amazing. She started to go down hill very soon after that conversation and we never shared any other conversations. However, not long after she passed, we found out we were having a baby girl. That little girl as well, much like her brother had a mind of her own! As I said, I was due December 28th and since I had a C-Section with Kolten, we opted for the same for Baby Girl Hansen. We decided to wait until after Christmas, I wanted Kolten to have one last Christmas when it was all about him and we just barely made it! We scheduled for December 27th and Keith's mom and dad were in town for Christmas, but his dad was going to have to head home on the 26th for work, so he was going to miss the birth. On Christmas Day night, he said to me, "You know Lisa, if you have her tomorrow, I won't have to miss it!" and I told him that I thought she was going to stay put and I was sorry. Again, "man plans, God laughs"! By 11am, I was having contractions and went to the doctor's office to get checked (we lived right across the street from the office), I was only dilated to 1 and he thought I would pry make it to the next day but instructed me to go to the hospital if they got more intense or started to come closer together. By 3pm I couldn't take it any more and we headed to the hospital. We got checked in, I got hooked up, and as the nurse walked out to go get a doctor to check me, my water broke! Then those dang contractions got serious! I am going to take a time out there and say YOU ARE AMAZING (and maybe a little crazy) to any woman that has had a natural child birth, and yes, I am a COMPLETE chicken. Well, Grandpa Hansen did get his way, and he was there at the hospital to welcome meet McKinley Jean Hansen! She was born on December 26th at 5:28pm!
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My Siblings (-1) and Dad celebrating Dad's 75th Birthday about 1 week before McKinley was born |
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McKinley and I in the delivery room |
Being a mom is truly the biggest blessing that I have ever experienced in my entire life and I am amazed each day by how much our children grow and learn and just how they are being shaped to live in this amazing world. I am thankful to God for giving us these blessings and for Keith (who has some amazing genetics to create some beautiful babies ;) and has been incredibly supportive and is an AMAZING father - Kolten even told me he likes Daddy more than me - more about that in a different post ;)).
Stay tuned! The adventures never stop with these too! There will be plenty more entertaining Momma Mondays ahead!
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